Title IX: Learning About Relationships, Respect & Safety
Despite the Healthy Sex and Relationships series having come to a close last week, the Title IX Office here at Swarthmore College still has more activities in store. According to Raven Bennett,...
View ArticleThe Hookup Rollercoaster
How do you write an article on the culture of hookups and relationships? This culture deserves a book because it is one of the most complex and ambiguous topics I have ever come across. With that being...
View ArticleDating at Swat
I’m going to admit something right off the bat: I’ve never dated anyone. Ever. I had crushes and what we call in the Philippines “mutual understandings,” which is basically the familiar situation when...
View ArticleSwat Ed: Reaching Out
Swat Ed is The Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q&A, back and ready to talk about healthy sex and relationships. We accept all questions and keep them completely anonymous. If you’re looking for...
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